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denk fuhrmann _ 0049┬®┬áRAFAELA PROELL.j



Since we have successfully implemented the above principles in our daily work, we are advising major Austrian and international clients. These include, on the one hand, high-profile companies of the old and new economies, media sector, construction industry, real estate development and realisation, the pharmaceuticals, IT and telecommunications industries, and the venture capital sector; we also advise and assist young and aspiring enterprises from the start-up phase right through to and beyond the successful IPO or other form of exit. On the other hand, many of our clients are individuals seeking legal advice in the context of investment consulting, law of succession, private foundation law and/or real estate law (in particular, tenancy law).

Focussing on Client-oriented Solutions


Being a modern and practice-oriented service provider, we consider it our primary responsibility to resolve the questions we are asked and perform the tasks at hand in a manner that satisfies our clients and takes into consideration all entrepreneurial aspects. We know from our long-standing experience that, rather than theoretical legal essays, our clients need concrete answers and proposals for solutions that are based on our training and experience and can be implemented in practice. Instead of any number of anonymous lawyers, our clients require one single contact, i.e. one competent partner who is personally available and responsible for all questions and issues.

Due to our international training and experience in economics, we are also able to handle economic tasks and provide top quality advice at national and international levels. Our independence allows us to carry out projects in foreign jurisdictions in cooperation with international partners that are carefully selected according to the relevant factual issues.

Top-quality Legal Advice


Based on our national and international legal and economic training, scientific activities, lecturing and practice, we guarantee to our clients top-quality advice. Our continuous further education guarantees this for the future as well.



Being a modern service provider, we realise that, in contemporary life and business, in particular, there are no boundaries in terms of time, place and/or culture. We accept and meet this challenge with utmost flexibility.

Absolute Loyalty and Confidentiality


Our clients require that only their interests are protected with absolute loyalty and confidentiality. The size and structure of our firm are expressly designed in order to allow us to fully guarantee this to our clients.

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